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Taking over claim-free years for motor home insurance

Is there a camper insurance in your name? If you drive your campervan damage free, you automatically build up damage free years. Claim-free years provide a discount on the premium of your motor home insurance. This no-claim discount can be up to 80% on the basic premium. The maximum discount can differ per insurer. Claim-free years are personal. You only build up claim-free years when the motor home insurance is in your name. Suppose you and your partner have a motor home in which you both drive, but the motor home insurance is in your partner's name. In that case you do not build up claim-free years yourself. In certain situations it is possible to take over the claim-free years, for example when your partner dies. We explain it to you!

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Motorhome insurance claim-free years take over camping spot

Can I take over claim-free years from my deceased partner?

If you share a motor home with your partner, the motor home insurance policy is in the name of one of the partners. Only the partner in whose name the motorhome insurance is held accrues claim-free years. In theory, you would therefore be left with nothing in the event of your partner's death. Without claim-free years, a motorhome insurance becomes a lot more expensive. Since January 1st 2022 it is possible to take over the claim-free years of your partner. Before this date, many insurers were already lenient in this, but with the new legislation, there is now an unequivocal policy in this. Good, because when your partner dies you have other things on your mind than claim-free years. The only conditions are that you are registered at the same address as your partner and that you (of course) have a valid driving licence.

Motorhome insurance? Calculate your premium!

Can I take over claim-free years in case of divorce?

During a divorce, joint assets are divided between both ex-partners. If you and your partner have a motor home, one of you will take the motor home with you or perhaps you will jointly decide to sell it. At the moment you want to take out a new motor home insurance it is nice to have damage free years. These provide for a considerably lower premium. With most insurers claim-free years remain valid for 3 years after termination of your motor home insurance. So you have to take out a new motor home insurance within 3 years if you want to use the claim-free years.

Was the motor home insurance in your partner's name? Then you have not built up any claim-free years yourself. However, in case of a divorce the claim-free years can be divided between the ex-partners. The partner in whose name the claim-free years are registered, determines the allocation key. With a waiver this partner waives (part of) the claim-free years. This arrangement prevents one of the two partners from being left without claim-free years.

Can I take over claim-free years after a lease period?

There are also a number of options for leasing a motorhome these days. When leasing the motorhome, you do not own the motorhome and you return it at the end of the lease. This means that the motorhome and the motorhome insurance are in the name of the leasing company and you do not build up any claim-free years yourself. It used to be up to the insurer how these claim-free years were dealt with. Nowadays you can register pure claim-free years in Roy-data with the help of a lease declaration. This way you can take over the claim-free years from your lease contract and use them for your own motor home insurance.

Can I take over claim-free years from a foreign motorhome insurance?

Claim-free years are registered in Roy-data after termination of an insurance policy. When you take out a new motor home insurance policy, the insurer can take your accrued claim-free years from Roy-data and link them to the new policy. This only applies to claims-free years accrued in the Netherlands. If you have had a camper insurance for some time abroad with which you have built up claim-free years, these will not be registered. You can take over the claim-free years from a foreign motor home insurance by asking the insurer for a written statement stating the number of claim-free years you have built up. Since January 1st 2022 the insurer is obliged to grant these claim-free years.

Calculate the premium of your motorhome insurance directly!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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