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vintage campe insurance
Home Motorhome insurance vintage motorhome insurance

Getting your vintage motorhome insurance easy and fast

insure your vintage camper directly!

Calculate premium

14 days reflection period

Try our product risk-free with the 14-day satisfaction guarantee

A wide range

We compare most insurers for you

Help from our experts

Can't figure it out? Our experts are always ready to help you

Clear, transparent & honest advice for more than 110 years

For more than 800,000 clients, we provide clear, transparent & honest advice.
Based on 3699 reviews 93% recommend us.

We pick out the fine print for you

""Comparing RV insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your RV insurance every year.""

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photo Laura van Maarschalkerweerd

Laura - Expert Insurance

Expert insurance for years

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Your RV insurance coverage

We'll look at your RV, compare a wide range of RV insurance policies and help you choose appropriate coverage.

WA (mandatory)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft,joyriding and loss
  • Damage caused by fire or natural disasters
  • Own damage from a collision

WA limited casco

  • Damage to others
  • Theft,joyriding and loss
  • Damage caused by fire or natural disasters
  • Own damage from a collision

All-Risk (WA+Casco).

  • Damage to others
  • Theft,joyriding and loss
  • Damage caused by fire or natural disasters
  • Own damage from a collision

All about your vintage motorhome insurance

You can easily compare your vintage motorhome insurance here. You immediately see which insurance company has the cheapest camper insurance for you. You can view and compare the policy conditions per insurance. Requesting a quote is free and without obligation.

Cheap vintage motorhome insurance

There is no special motorhome insurance for the vintage motorhome, as with passenger cars, but the rate for a motorhome is already extremely low. In the insurance, the insurance company already assumes that fewer miles will be driven with the motorhome than with a passenger car.

Directly take out and instant coverage

Have you found your motorhome insurance? Then you can purchase it directly through Alpina.nl. Here you can then also take out additional coverage, such as accident-passenger insurance, damage-passenger insurance, legal assistance insurance and/or roadside assistance coverage. Switching to a new insurance policy is very easy this way. In most cases, you get immediate coverage and are insured on the road. Even at the weekend.

Report damage

Do you have a claim? Then you can report it online using the form below. Do you need an emergency towing service? On your green card you will find the phone number of the emergency service to which your insurance company is affiliated.

If you have coverage for windshield damage, you can use a windshield repairer listed on your green card. In most cases, the windshield repairer will settle the claim with your insurance company.

Click here to report a claim online.

Report change

Do you want to adjust your insurance or does something change in your personal situation? You can make several types of changes.

  • Change personal data
  • Change of address
  • Changing other insurance
  • Cancel insurance

Car insurance benefits at Alpina.nl

Instant coverage available 24/7

Insurance can be calculated and taken out 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In most cases, you also get coverage right away, allowing you to get your vehicle on the road quickly.

Close within 5 minutes

When you buy insurance online, you want instant coverage. That's why with us, you see where you stand right away. You can insure your vehicle within 5 minutes. You choose your own cover and excess, so you never pay too much. Your application is assessed immediately and takes effect whenever you want.

Not good, money back! 14 days reflection period

When you take out insurance with us, you have a 14-day cooling-off period. This means that you can cancel the insurance without giving any reason within 14 days free of charge.

Acceptance opportunities for everyone


Switching assistance

Do you want to switch from your current insurer to Alpina.nl, but are you dreading all the hassle? Not necessary! Switching to Alpina is very easy with our free cancellation service. It works like this:

  • Calculate your premium, and insure your vehicle
  • Download the free cancellation letter
  • Sign the letter and send it to your insurer

We can be reached via chat, WhatsApp, phone or email

Questions? Contact us if you want to know more.
We are here Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00.

Get in touch