How to keep the vacation feeling longer: 12 tips for before, during and after your vacation
The fade-out effect after returning from your vacation
Unfortunately, it often disappears soon after returning due to the so-called fade-out effect. Scientists have found that this relaxed feeling often disappears within as little as two to four weeks. Still, you can prolong the vacation feeling with the right approach. Below are 12 tips to hold on to that feeling before, during and after your vacation.
Start your work week on Wednesday for once
Instead of starting your work week on a Monday, choose to start on Wednesday after your vacation, for example. That way, you only have to bridge half a week to the weekend, allowing you to enjoy your vacation flow longer. A short work week will help you make a smoother transition from vacation to work.
Plan your weeks after the vacations smartly
After your vacation, make sure you schedule plenty of moments of rest and fun activities. Think about what helped you relax during your vacation and try to hold onto it. Did you enjoy reading a book? Make time for that at home, too. Consider trying new hobbies, such as a painting class, or plan an evening out. While it may be tempting to fall back into a rigid rhythm, it's important to continue that vacation relaxation, especially when it comes to sleep.
Look for a 'souvenir 2.0'
Remind yourself of your vacation by bringing something tangible into your daily life. This doesn't just have to be a photo album. You may want to paint your living room in a color that reminds you of your vacation destination, or hang that Moroccan basket you bought. Cooking a local dish you discovered while on vacation can also help bring back that feeling
Stay in the here and now
On vacation, you often succeed in limiting your screen time and living more in the moment. Try to maintain this at home as well. Mindfulness exercises, such as meditation or breathing techniques, can help. Scientists have shown that these techniques reduce anxiety and stress and improve your ability to think. For example, the 4-7-8 breathing technique is an effective way to unwind and sleep better.
Plan your next vacation
Enjoy the anticipation
Anticipation is an effective way to extend your vacation spirit even before you travel. Start planning and enjoying your vacation well in advance. For example, make a playlist of music that reminds you of your vacation destination, or learn the language of the country you are going to via an app. These preparations will help you get into the vacation spirit even before you leave and make the experience richer.
Choose your travel companions carefully
Who you take with you on vacation can have a big impact on your experience. Make sure you choose travel companions who want the same thing out of their vacation. If you like to enjoy the sun quietly while your friend likes to be active, this can lead to stress and discomfort. By agreeing in advance what you expect from the vacation, you can avoid unpleasant surprises and come home more relaxed.
Round out your work smartly
Avoid going on vacation stressed by completing your work smartly. Make sure that you don't leave any unfinished tasks and that you have transferred everything properly. This will ensure that you can go on vacation with peace of mind and that you will not be immediately overwhelmed with work after you return.
Sports on your last day of work
According to labor scientist Jessica de Bloom, it can help to exercise on your last day of work. This helps to break down built-up stress hormones so you can start your vacation relaxed. Whether you go running, biking or hit the gym, it's an effective way to reduce stress and prepare for a relaxing vacation.
Do what you feel like doing more often
During your vacation, it is important to really do what you want to do. This can range from leisurely strolls through a town to intense hikes in nature. Give yourself time to relax and decide at the time what you want to do. And once you get home, try to do the same. For example, don't let your weekend fill up, just let the day come to you.
Leave your phone alone
During the vacations, you often manage to leave your phone on the side. Try to carry this through at home as well. Turn off your e-mail apps for a while and give yourself space to relax without constantly looking at your screen. This will help you clear your head and hold that relaxed feeling longer.
Make your last day a celebration
According to Jessica de Bloom, it can help to make your last day of vacation something special. End your vacation with an activity you won't soon forget, such as dinner at a special restaurant or an exciting activity like paragliding. This will create great memories that you can cherish long after your vacation is over.
According to Psychology magazine, several short vacations throughout the year have been shown to be more effective in retaining the vacation spirit than one long vacation. By going more often, you not only enjoy more anticipation, but you also have more moments of relaxation spread throughout the year. So maybe it's time to plan your vacations differently!
Source: Nationale-Nederlanden