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Alpina makes financial advice accessible to deaf, hard of hearing and speech and language impaired people

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Alpina is the first financial service provider in the Netherlands to make financial advice accessible to the deaf, hard of hearing and people with speech or language impairments. They are doing this in cooperation with Berengroep. From now on you can choose to call with an interpreter or text mediator at Alpina.nl .

People who are deaf or hard of hearing and people with speech or language impairments have a right to equal access to regular telephony. Yet this is not self-evident. As a result, financial advice, among other things, is not easily accessible to this target group. Alpina would like to change this. In cooperation with Berengroep, Alpina is therefore making it possible to call with a sign language interpreter or a speech interpreter.

At Alpina.nl you can now choose to call via Teletolk. You then choose between a phone call with an interpreter or a phone call with a text mediator. If you choose to call with an interpreter, you can gesture during the phone call what you want to say. The interpreter tells this to the person you are calling with. If you choose to call with a text mediator, you type what you want to say. The text mediator reads this to the person you are calling with.

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