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Home FAQ When is a car a vintage car?

When is a car a vintage car?

A car can be on a vintage car insurance policy when the vehicle AND its use meet a number of rules.
Find out what you are allowed to use your vintage car for according to vintage car insurance.

Year built

One of the most important criteria is the year of construction of the car. Alpina has options from 10 years and older. Not every make and type can be covered directly on a classic car insurance policy. Many insurers require that the make and type must be in the " Invaluable Classic".


With vintage car insurance, only hobby use of the vintage car is allowed. It is often difficult to indicate what is and is not hobby use. Below we indicate what in any case is NOT hobby use:

  • Commuting
  • Daily use, such as running errands and taking children to school

Maximum mileage per year

With vintage car insurance, the company will also set a requirement for limited driving of the vintage car. Often this is a maximum of 5000 or 7500 kilometers per year.

1st car required

In addition to the above conditions, the insurance company also requires with oldtimer insurance that there must be a 1st car with which one performs daily use. This 1st car must be the use car of the regular driver of the vintage car.

So if the person who will be driving the vintage car does NOT have a car for daily use then you do not meet the requirements for vintage car insurance.

This 1st car may be a company car or lease car.

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