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How do you take out old-timer insurance?

For the road tax, changes have been made aimed at old-timers. These changes do not apply to old-timer insurance. The tax authorities and insurers use their own rules and conditions. The tricky part is that the rules and conditions differ per insurer. How do you find out if your car is eligible for old-timer insurance?

Old-timer insurance is cheaper compared to insurance for a regular car. It is therefore to your advantage to have your car marked as an old-timer. Insurers know this too, so they guard the boundaries between regular car insurance and old-timer insurance well. The conditions that insurers set, differ strongly. A number of common requirements to be allowed to insure a car as a old-timer are:

  • For daily use, you also have a car
  • The oldtimer is only driven a maximum number of kilometres per year (e.g. 5,000 or 7,500 kilometres per year)
  • For the WA-cascale classic car insurance, the car must be valued
  • The make and type must be recognised by the insurer as an oldtimer
  • The car is at least e.g. 20 or 25 years old
oldtimer insurance how to close

How do you insure an old-timer?

Most insurers offer two types of insurance for old-timers, namely WA and WA casco. The WA covers damages to others caused by the old-timer. This coverage must by law be taken out by the owner of the motor vehicle. The WA-casco also offers coverage against damage to your old-timer. Does the car have a high value? Choosing WA casco oldtimer insurance is the most logical choice. For cars with a low value you choose the WA-insurance. Don't save on the quality of the insurance, but compare several insurers for a cheap and good oldtimer insurance.

Oldtimer insurance does not only cover cars

You can also insure a motorbike or moped on a classic car insurance. The moped has to be at least 20 years old and you are not allowed to drive it more than 7,500 kilometres per year. For the motorbike it also applies that the vehicle is meant for recreational use. So you also have a motor vehicle for daily use.

How do you find out which insurer to go to?

This seems like a complicated figuring-out job, but it's not so bad. On Alpina.nl you can compare various old-timer insurance policies within minutes. All you have to do is fill in the license plate number and some additional information. Does your car not meet the conditions for oldtimer insurance? No problem. In that case, you can also count on a low premium.

Calculate the premium of your oldtimer insurance directly!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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