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Do you need classic car insurance for recreational use?

When the sun starts shining again, you see the old-timers on the street again. Of course, there is nothing better than enjoying your classic car in fine weather. Old-timers are often worth a lot of money. And parts are harder to get than those of newer models. That is why you want to be properly insured in case of damage. So choose a classic car insurance. Even when you only use it for recreation. To take out old-timer insurance, your car has to meet a number of conditions.

Do you want to take out vintage car insurance, but don't know what your vintage car needs to meet? Or do you want to know what is the best insurance for you? Then read on, because Alpina explains it for you.

What do you have to comply with before you can take out classic car insurance?

Before an oldtimer is really an oldtimer, a number of conditions must be met.

Hobby use only

You should only use your old-timer as a hobby. You can therefore use your old-timer in the summer months with good weather. But it is not the intention that you use your old-timer all year round, or for part of the year, for daily use. Going to work with the oldtimer is not a problem, but this should not last for weeks or months.

25 years and older

To be eligible for old-timer insurance, your old-timer has to be 25 years old or older. The 25 years age is the lower limit. Is your car 24 years and 9 months old? Then you cannot take out an old-timer insurance.

Your vintage car insurance coverage

Third-party liability (mandatory)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and loss
  • Windscreen damage
  • Damage by fire or natural disaster
  • Own damage caused by a collision

WA limited casco

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and loss
  • Windscreen damage
  • Damage by fire or natural disaster
  • Own damage caused by a collision

All-Risk (WA+Casco)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and loss
  • Windscreen damage
  • Damage by fire or natural disaster
  • Own damage caused by a collision
Oldtimer insurance for recreational use

Up to a certain number of kilometres  

When you want to purchase vintage car insurance, you generally cannot drive more than a certain number of miles. Often you can get insurance up to 5000 or 7500 kilometers. This is also the reason why you can only use your vintage car as a hobby. When you drive more than this number of kilometers, the insurer has the right not to pay out in case of damage.
Need an old-timer insurance? Calculate your premium!

What is the best insurance for your old-timer?

The higher the value of your old-timer, the wiser it is to take out more comprehensive insurance. Of course, you are legally obliged to take out third-party insurance. But perhaps your old-timer is worth tens of thousands of euros or even a few tons. In that case it is best to take out All-Risk insurance. Then, in the event of an accident, you will also be reimbursed for the damage to your own old-timer.

Get your vintage car insurance through Alpina

Are you considering insurance for your vintage car? Then take it out now through Alpina! Do you still have doubts or questions about our insurance for vintage cars? Feel free to contact our customer service. They are ready to answer all your questions.

Calculate the premium of your oldtimer insurance directly!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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