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For which vehicles can you take out oldtimer insurance?

Most people will immediately think of a car when they hear the term old-timer insurance, but you can also take out old-timer insurance for many other vehicles. Which vehicles can you insure for a cheaper price?

A vintage car is an old motor vehicle of a type that is often no longer manufactured. The tax authorities and insurers have different requirements for a vintage car. You don't have to find out for yourself what the insurers' requirements are. At Alpina.nl , for example, you can get oldtimer insurance for a car, motorcycle and truck. What are the benefits of oldtimer insurance?

oldtimer truck insurance

Cheaper insurance with classic car insurance?

The biggest advantage is the much lower premium compared to regular insurance. And rightly so, because insurers run far fewer risks insuring these vehicles. Owners of old-timers are on average much more economical with the vehicle. They are often very proud of it. They also drive less with the vehicle. This is of course important for the oldtimer insurance. Less driving on public roads ensures a much smaller chance of damage.

For which motor vehicles can you take out old-timer insurance?

There are different requirements for the vehicles to be insured under this insurance. There are possibilities for the following motor vehicles:

What if a motor vehicle does not meet the requirements?

At Alpina\.nl you can compare not only vintage car insurance, but also vehicles that do not meet the requirements of a vintage car. You can use our comparison tool and we will determine which insurance best suits it. If the requirements for a vintage car are not met, you will be shown an insurer where you can insure your vehicle at the lowest premium. Of course, we don't just compare on the premium. You can also compare policy conditions.

The oldtimer insurance is only for recreational use

Do you use the old-timer daily or do you drive a lot of kilometres with it during the year? In that case, insuring an old-timer insurance is probably not possible. For car insurances, for example, insurers often demand that you also have another car that you drive daily.

Valuation may be necessary

With most motor insurances, the daily value of the vehicle is assumed in case of damage. With an oldtimer, this is more difficult. Estimating the value must be done by a specialist and not just after a damage. For WA + limited casco and WA + casco, insurers therefore often ask for a valuation report.

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Calculate the premium for classic car insurance

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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