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What is a health statement in a term life insurance policy?

Term life insurance is insurance that gives your dependents more financial security after your death. This is then also the biggest reason why more and more people choose this insurance: it gives them peace of mind, knowing that their family or relatives will experience fewer financial problems after their death.

However, before taking out such a term life insurance policy, a number of things must be taken into account, including the state of health of the policyholder himself. After all, that condition will greatly affect the final premium you pay per month. The health condition is determined based on a health declaration.

What exactly does this statement entail and is it mandatory? You will find all the answers to questions related to the health declaration in a life insurance policy below.

Family life insurance health statement

What exactly is a health certificate?

The health statement for a term life insurance policy is a document containing a variety of questions about your health. Based on your answers to those questions, a medical advisor will assess your state of health.

From this, advice is then given to the insurer in question, to answer the question of whether they can accept you for term life insurance. The conditions attached to acceptance are also determined.
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What is the point of a health certificate?

Term life insurance involves insurance on the life of the policyholder. It goes without saying that the insurer therefore wants a clear picture of that person's state of health in order to assess the risk of death. That is the main function of the health declaration.

After all, based on the medical assessment, which is always independent, the insurer can better estimate the policyholder's life expectancy. That's why there are questions in that statement related to your lifestyle, whether or not you smoke, past or present (chronic) illnesses and conditions, and so on.

This info is used to set the monthly premium you pay for your insurance. As a result, your family or next of kin will be paid a fixed amount after your death.

Is a health statement required with a term life insurance policy?

In the vast majority of cases, the completion of a health declaration by the policyholder in the case of term life insurance is mandatory. After all, it is an essential tool in determining the monthly premium and whether you can be accepted as an insured.


What questions does the insurer ask in a health statement:

If you are taking out a term life insurance policy, you will naturally want to know more about the content of the health statement. That way, you'll already be well prepared to give clear answers.

What is important to know here is that your insurer is not allowed to ask you just about anything regarding your health. In fact, there is a medical questionnaire, prepared by the Association of Insurers, which your insurer must adhere to if you want to be insured up to 278,004 euros.

Below is an overview of some of the questions asked in the health statement of a life insurance policy :

  1. Have you ever undergone surgery?
  2. Do(es) you use medication (ever)?
  3. Do you suffer from certain chronic conditions (anemia, epilepsy,...)?

Do you want to have a higher amount insured? Then your medical advisor has the right to request additional information about your health or even a medical examination. Admittedly with your permission. Such an examination may include:

  • An additional questionnaire
  • A physical examination
  • A heart film
  • A urinalysis
  • A lung photo

With an insured amount higher than 1,000,000 euros, it is always mandatory to undergo a medical examination. The costs involved are paid by the insurer itself, even if you ultimately choose not to take out the death risk insurance after all.

Who can see the contents of your health statement?

Filling out a health statement is, of course, a delicate matter and that means not everyone can see that information. All the info and answers you provide are confidential. That means that only the medical advisor and the staff of the medical facility you rely on have insight into your statement.

Finally, as a policyholder, you have the right to be the first to know the outcome of the statement. This is also known as the "right of first cognizance" and gives you as a policyholder more peace of mind when preparing your health statement.

Learn more about the Code of Conduct here.