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How do you insure a quad?

A quad bike is a registered vehicle that requires insurance. How do you go about it and where is the best place to get quad insurance? We'll help you out.

The term quad is a broad concept. There are quads that are regarded as mopeds, but they can also be classified as cars or motorbikes. The driving licence you need therefore also depends on the label attached to the registration. The type of insurance also makes a big difference.

How do you insure your quad?

You cannot get away from the legally required third-party insurance. This insurance covers damage caused with or by the quad. If you find this coverage insufficient, you can choose the Third Party Liability + Theft and Fire. In addition to liability damage, the insurer also pays out in the event of certain causes of damage. For example, in case of theft of the quad or collision with stray animals, you will be paid for the damage to your quad. For example, the most comprehensive third-party liability + theft, fire and collision also pays for your damages if an accident occurs due to your fault. Of course, the most comprehensive quad insurance also costs you the most.

How to insure a quad

When to choose which cover?

Actually, it's very simple. You go for the most comprehensive quad insurance. Does the premium fall unreasonably high relative to the value of the vehicle? Then you opt for more limited coverage. That's the advantage of comparing. You get a proposal from several insurers at once. This allows you to insure your quad possibly WA + Theft, Fire and Collision for an amount for which you can go to another insurer for WA + Theft and Fire.

What do you need to know to insure the quad?

When insuring, questions are asked about the regular driver and about the motor vehicle. With the vehicle registration card at hand, you can easily answer these questions. It concerns the following requested data:

  • License plate
  • Year built
  • Weight
  • Displacement
  • Power in kW

Under which heading does your quad fall?

You can find this on the registration card. If you do not have it available, you can check on the RDW website to find out what type of motor vehicle the quad is. With this information, you can look for the most suitable insurance. Fortunately, you don't have to shop around for good insurance yourself. You can make a comparison at Alpina.nl. You enter the requested data and the most suitable insurance will roll out of the comparison.

For a quad bike that is seen as a moped, you can compare it with a moped / scooter. You can see how the vehicle is registered on the registration card.

Calculate your Quad insurance premium directly

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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