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Home Scooter Insurance Getting scooter insurance for 16-year-olds

Cost of scooter insurance for a 16-year-old

From the age of 16 you may ride a scooter. Think about the insurance. You are obliged to have at least third-party insurance. But how do you arrange this and what are the costs of insurance for a 16-year-old?

The cost of insurance for a scooter is higher for a 16-year-old than for someone, say, 40 years old. This is because a 16-year-old has less driving experience. Insurers' claims figures also show that the under-24 group causes more claims than older people.

You may already take the theory exam when you are 15.5 years old. The practical exam is only allowed from your 16th birthday. Once you have passed, you can finally drive a scooter. Just make sure you have insurance in place.

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scooter insurance for 16 year olds what to look out for

Insure in parent's name or own name

Insuring a scooter is quick, but it must be done correctly. It is often recommended to insure the motor vehicle in the name of the parents. This is because the premium is higher for young drivers, but unfortunately it does not work this way. It is best to insure the scooter in the name of the regular driver. Another option is to list the youngest driver as the regular driver.

Insurers charge a higher premium for young drivers, but there is no way around this. In fact, it is not permissible not to declare the youngest driver when applying for insurance if the young person does become the regular driver. Concealing the young regular driver may even be labeled as fraud. So be careful with that.

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Accumulation of claim-free years

There is another reason to insure the scooter in the name of the youngest driver. This is because as a 16-year-old, you can start building up claim-free years right away. If you do not cause any damages, you can build up a discount in the scooter insurance. The advantage is even greater, because you can also take the claim-free years with you when you later insure a car. The premium for a car is much higher on average, so it is advantageous to build up claim-free years with a scooter.

Are accessories included in the scooter insurance?

When insuring a scooter, you can choose between three forms of insurance. The cheapest is the third-party insurance. This insurance only compensates damage caused to others. This form of insurance does not cover accessories. In the more comprehensive forms, accessories do play a significant role. For the insurance, the catalog value is asked. This is the value of the scooter as new as it rolled out of the factory. Accessories are extra added to the scooter. They must be separately co-insured. So they are not included in the insurance by default.

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