What is the daily value of a scooter?
The daily value is the value of your scooter at the moment. For scooter insurance, the catalog value and the daily value of a scooter play an important role. This is because they determine the amount of the premium and the maximum amount the insurer will pay out in case of damage to your own scooter.
When insuring your scooter, the insurer asks about the value. In case of theft or damage due to another insured accident, the daily value of the scooter is the maximum amount the insurer will pay out. This daily value does not play a role if you choose to insure your scooter only WA. In this form of insurance, only the damage you cause with your scooter to others will be compensated, but not the damage to your own scooter.
How to determine the daily value of your scooter
The daily value of a scooter cannot be determined. It is always an estimate. You can estimate the current value by looking up what comparable scooters of the same age sell for approximately. In case of damage, an expert will estimate the current value before the damage. This valuation can be important in estimating whether the damage caused a total loss.
When is a total loss
In case of an insured damage, the insurer will pay the current value at the most. There is a total loss if the repair costs are higher than the value of the scooter. The insurer will not pay for the damage, but will provide a payment based on the current value. There is also total loss if the scooter cannot be repaired.
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