Insuring a scooter without a driving licence
Your scooter insurance coverage.
It is often wrongly thought that you cannot insure a scooter without a driver's license. There are insurers who are difficult about this, but there are plenty of options for insurance. But you need to know where to go. We have listed in our comparer which insurers you can go to without a driver's license.
Once you get a scooter in your name, you must also arrange for third-party liability insurance. You are not allowed to drive a scooter without a license, but buying the vehicle in advance is of course allowed. Some insurers require a driver's license for scooter insurance. Other insurers do not bother and simply take out the scooter insurance. Of course, you may not ride a scooter without a license, but others with a license may, of course.
Can you buy a scooter without a driver's license?
Of course, this is possible. When transferring to your name, you do have to show identification, but it does not have to be the driver's license. You can also identify yourself with an ID card or passport. The moment the scooter comes into your name, the scooter must also be insured against legal liability. Not all insurers offer scooter insurance. An additional problem is that not all insurers who do offer the insurance will not make an issue about insuring the scooter without a driver's license. So the flush is thin, but there are insurers you can turn to.
Do not ride a scooter without a licence
It makes sense, but we still want to remind you of the importance of insurance. Riding a scooter without a license ensures that you are not insured. In the event of an accident, the consequences can be incalculable if the insurance company does not pay for the damage. After all, you shouldn't think about hitting a pedestrian uninsured who becomes disabled as a result. The suffering is great just because of the physical damage to the victim, but there is also the financial suffering. The damage can run into tons of euros. So if the insurance company does not pay out, you have to pay for the financial loss yourself. You may have to pay for that for life.
Be critical when lending out the scooter
Without a license, you may not ride it yourself, but lending it out is of course possible. But be careful who you lend the scooter to. In any case, be sure that the driver of your scooter has a driver's license.
Note! Even if you do not start riding the scooter until you have your driver's license, the scooter must still be insured. Even if the scooter is unused in the barn, the insurance obligation remains. If you are temporarily not going to use the vehicle, you can suspend the insurance obligation.
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