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Home Scooter Insurance Theft and fire insurance

Scooter insurance WA + theft and fire coverage

This is one of three forms of insurance for scooters. In addition to the mandatory liability insurance (TPL), this insurance also provides coverage against theft and fire.

The advantage of having a wide choice is that you can tailor the scooter insurance policy to best suit the risks you think you will face. Compared to the WA scooter insurance, this insurance offers broader coverage at a slightly higher premium.

You want to insure your scooter as good as possible against the lowest possible premium. By insuring your scooter WA, you will have the lowest possible charges. In case of theft, however, you will get nothing paid out. That is not desirable, especially if the WA + theft and fire is only a few Euros per month more expensive. For scooters up to three years old, the most extensive insurance is often chosen. With older scooters it is a matter of weighing and comparing. Do you, for instance, already have damage free years? Then you can choose relatively cheaply for an extended scooter insurance.

Wa, Theft and Fire cover

What to do in case of damage

In the event of an accident involving injury and if your scooter is stolen, you should first contact the police. In case of theft, a quick report can ensure that the scooter is still found undamaged. The next step is then to inform the insurance company. In case of a collision due to your fault, the third-party liability + theft and fire does not provide coverage for damage to your own scooter. However, the insurer will take care of compensating the injured party. Follow the insurer's instructions to the best of your ability. Click here to report damage online.

Save money on your scooter insurance? Compare premiums!


Comparison ensures low monthly costs

Don't take out your scooter insurance with just any insurer. Compare insurers with each other first. You can do this yourself at Alpina.nl. We will make sure that you can insure your scooter properly at the lowest premium.

All scooter insurance coverages:

Your scooter insurance coverage.

Third-party liability (mandatory)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft and fire damage
  • Damage to own scooter

WA Theft and Fire

  • Damage to others
  • Theft and fire damage
  • Damage to own scooter

WA Theft, Fire and Collision

  • Damage to others
  • Theft and fire damage
  • Damage to own scooter

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