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Getting temporary car insurance

Een tijdelijke autoverzekering is een kortlopende verzekering die je afsluit om een auto voor een beperkte periode te verzekeren. Via Alpina sluit je een tijdelijke autoverzekering af waarmee je auto 1 dag (€79) of 14 dagen (€109) verzekerd is met een WA (Wettelijke Aansprakelijkheid) autoverzekering in heel Europa.

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What is temporary car insurance?

Temporary car insurance is valid for 1 or 14 days. Are you going to the RDW inspection? Then take out the one-day insurance. Are you going to export the vehicle? Then choose the 14-day coverage. In these 14 days you can drive the car carefree throughout Europe. You only get the green card with the 14-day variant. After 14 days the coverage automatically expires.

The cost of temporary car insurance

  • 1 day costs €79
  • 14 days costs €109

How do you take out temporary car insurance?

Getting temporary car insurance is quick and simple. Choose how many days you need the temporary insurance and fill in your details. The insurance begins immediately after the premium is paid.

Do you apply for insurance with an effective date in the future? Then coverage starts at 0:00 a.m. on the first day for which coverage is requested. Your payment must be in before the insurance company issues a certificate of insurance and green card.

For private individuals only

This insurance is for private use only. So you cannot take out temporary car insurance for business purposes.

Benefits of temporary car insurance with Alpina

  • Flexibility. Choose the duration you need, from 1 to 14 days.
  • Quick coverage. Insurance starts immediately after payment.
  • Green card included. With the 14-day insurance you receive a green card, useful for use abroad.
  • Online convenience. Arrange everything easily and quickly through Alpina

Een tijdelijke autoverzekering

Verzeker je auto meteen voor voor 1 dag of 14 dagen.

Temporary car insurance coverage applies in these countries

A Austria IS Iceland
AL Albania L Luxembourg
AND Andorra LT Lithuania
B Belgium LV Latvia
BG Bulgaria M Malta
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina MA Morocco
BY Belarus MD Moldova
CH Switzerland MK F.Y.R.O.M.
CY Cyprus MNE Montenegro
CZ Czech Republic N Norway
D Germany NL Netherlands
DK Denmark P Portugal
E Spain PL Poland
EST Estonia RO Romania
F France RUS Russia
FIN Finland S Sweden
GB United Kingdom and Northern Ireland SRB Serbia
GR Greece SK Slovak Republic
H Hungary SLO Slovenia
HR Croatia TN Tunisia
I Italy TR Turkey
IL Israel UA Ukraine
IRL Ireland

Frequently asked questions about temporary car insurance

How long can I get temporary car insurance?

The term of a temporary car insurance policy is flexible and depends on what you need. Choose 1-day or 14-day coverage.

What coverage do I have with temporary car insurance?

A third-party coverage applies to the temporary insurance. It is not possible to take out more extensive coverage. Therefore, the insurance does not cover damage to one's own vehicle.

Can I set off the temporary insurance against the permanent insurance?

The temporary insurance is a separate policy. It is not possible to offset or deduct the cost from the permanent car insurance.

Is it possible to take out temporary insurance by chassis number?

We need the vehicle registration number or the temporary registration number.

Can the temporary car insurance be renewed?

The 14-day temporary car insurance cannot be renewed. Does the vehicle have a foreign license plate? Then purchase insurance in the country for which the license plate was issued.

What should I do in case of damage?

With temporary insurance, when you have caused a damage with the vehicle, you and the other party must fill out a claim form. Normally, a claim form consists of 2 pieces. The so-called print-through you give to the other party.

On your part you also need to fill in the back. You can then send the claim form to:

P.O. Box 63
3400 AB IJsselstein

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"Temporary car insurance is a special product. We are specialists in the temporary insurance of cars but also vans, campers and motorcycles."

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