Calculating and securing your Tesla insurance
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"Comparing car insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your car insurance every year."

Laura van Maarschalk - Car insurance expert
Expert in vintage car insurance for years

Your Tesla insurance coverage.
All about Tesla car insurance
The electric car is on the rise. The Tesla is leading the way in this regard. How do you insure your Tesla? Of course, with a Tesla car insurance policy. What are the benefits of this insurance and why not choose the standard car insurance, but a special Tesla car insurance?
In regular auto insurance, it can be difficult to properly insure a Tesla. For example, there are additional requirements focused on security or the affiliated repair shops are not suitable for repairing Tesla cars. With Tesla car insurance, things are different. The insurance is uniquely tailored to insuring this electric car. Thus, you can easily insure a Tesla Model S with us.
Tesla Model 3 car insurance
Safety is central to the design of the Tesla Model 3. Thanks to improved road holding and aerodynamics, the top speed of the Model 3 is 261 kilometres per hour. It takes just 3.4 seconds to go from 0 to 100 kilometres per hour.
This model is fully electric, so you never have to fill up with fuel.
Are you looking for car insurance for Tesla model 3 then you have come to the right place at Alpina. We have a suitable insurance for every model Tesla.
Tesla Model X car insurance
The Tesla Model X is a striking car. This is partly caused by the so-called Falcon Doors. The car has only been available since 2015 and is more expensive compared to the Model S. When getting car insurance for the Tesla Model X, you should pay attention to the following things:
- Choose the right coverage (all-risk)
- Ensure that the first three years are based on the new value
- Unlimited mileage, without premium surcharge
- No need to upgrade the alarm system
Tesla all-risk car insurance
Once the Tesla is in your name, you are required to insure it. Every car owner must have at least third-party car insurance. This insurance only pays out in the event of damage to (the property of) others. Damage to your Tesla cannot be claimed with this insurance. A Tesla is generally a car with a higher (daily) value than the average car. For new Tesla's the most extensive coverage, the all-risk car insurance, is chosen as standard. Even when buying a used Tesla a few years old, you really shouldn't settle for more limited coverage.
Frequently asked questions about Tesla car insurance
Is an electric car more expensive to insure?
Yes, in general, the insurance premium for an electric car is higher than for a gasoline variant. This is due to several things:
Weight is a premium determining factor for third-party coverage. Electric cars are often heavier than gasoline cars because of the battery. As a result, the liability premium is also higher
Catalogue value
The list value of electric cars is also often higher than the gasoline or hybrid variants. This is also a premium-increasing factor.
Damage load due to electronics
Because of all the electronics in a Tesla, it often costs more to repair a damage. Therefore, this is another reason why it is more expensive to insure an electric car.
What is the added value of Tesla car insurance?
To repair the damage, you want a repair company that specializes in repairing Tesla cars. This requires specialist knowledge in certain cases. The insurers behind standard car insurance often do not have agreements with the additional specialists. Do you go to a repair shop that the insurer does not have agreements with? That's potentially going to cost you extra money. With Tesla car insurance, you won't run into this problem.
Tesla car insurance works with the new-for-old value rule. In the event of a substantial damage, the new-for-old value is used instead of the daily value for the first few years. You will also encounter less stringent security requirements in Tesla car insurance. With many insurers, you pay an extra high premium if you drive the car a lot of miles per year. In the special insurance, this is not the case. Click here to insure a Tesla Model X.
How do you take out the insurance?
It's simple! Through Alpina.nl you can purchase insurance. We provide the best coverage at the lowest premium. We will go through the steps with you.
Step #1 - Enter the license plate number of the Tesla
Using the license plate number, we can find out a lot of information about the car to be insured. After you enter the license plate number, we can already take the first step in calculating the premium for Tesla car insurance. We can retrieve data such as weight and list value.
Step #2 - Information about the regular driver of the car
An important premium determinant is who will be driving the Tesla the most. do you already have accrued claim-free years or do you have to start from scratch? It makes a big difference to the amount of the premium. The age and zip code of the regular driver are also important for the calculation.
Step #3 - Choose the desired coverage
In principle, you can choose to insure the car WA or WA limited casco, but we do not recommend that. The Tesla has only been available in the Netherlands for a few years. So these are cars that are still relatively young. They also have a high value. With the WA or WA limited casco Tesla insurance you do not have the most comprehensive coverage. For example, in an accident in which you are the liable party, you will not be paid for the damage to your own car. Therefore, choose the standard WA + full collision insurance. In addition, fill in information about the use of the Tesla. For example, you will be asked for the start date and how many claims you have caused.
Step #4 - Securing Tesla car insurance
You now know what the insurance will cost you. You can choose to get a quote in this step, or you can take out your insurance right away. By clicking on the button 'Continue' you close the insurance. In the next screen you can choose additional insurances. These include passenger accident insurance and legal assistance insurance. Behind the additional coverage is a small green button to request additional information about that coverage.
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