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Home Trike Insurance

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14-day cooling-off period

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A wide range

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Help from our experts

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Clear, transparent & honest advice for more than 110 years

For more than 800,000 clients, we provide clear, transparent & honest advice.
Based on 3699 reviews 93% recommend us.

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"Comparing insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your insurance every year."

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All about your trike insurance

A trike is actually a three-wheeled vehicle. The name trike is actually a shortening of the word tricycle. A trike can be built from the front part of a motorbike and the back part of a car (with the engine behind). In some cases, a trike only consists of parts of a motorbike.

Is a license plate required?

A registration number is mandatory for trikes that have been approved as three-wheeled motor vehicles. Only when the driver is in possession of a driving licence (B), he or she is allowed to drive the trike. The driver of a trike has to be at least 18 years old. If the trike is equipped with approved safety belts, wearing a helmet is not compulsory.

Finish online

You can calculate your own trike insurance premium and insure your trike online, without the advice of a financial advisor, through our calculation modules.

Trike insurance benefits

Often instant coverage online
After you take out your trike insurance online, your application will be processed immediately. So after taking out trike insurance, you often know immediately whether you are insured.

14 days reflection period
Not good, money back. Up to 14 days after your trike insurance policy is issued, it is possible to cancel the insurance policy free of charge per the effective date. Impulse purchases are not required. It is important to us that every customer who takes out trike insurance with us is satisfied, and remains so in the future.

Up to 75% no-claim discount
You can build up no-claim discount by driving damage-free. With us, this discount can be as high as 75%.

Comprehensive covers
We understand that not everyone has the same demands when it comes to insurance, which is why you can choose from comprehensive main coverages as well as the supplementary Damage Waiver coverage for riders.

Additional coverings trike insurance

Accident Insurance for Occupants
When a driver of a trike is involved in a (serious) trike accident, the Accidental Injury Insurance (OVI) pays out. If the driver or a passenger becomes permanently disabled or dies, a pre-agreed fixed amount is paid out.

Legal Aid
After taking out legal aid insurance, you are assured of legal assistance in recovering damages if you have been involved in an accident.

Passenger insurance
Indemnity Insurance for Occupants (SVI) covers damage that occupants of your trike may sustain. This could be damage to luggage or clothing, or it could be personal injury. Through Schadeverzekering Inzittenden (SVI) the actual damage suffered is compensated.

Replacement transportation
With replacement transportation coverage on your trike, you are assured of a replacement trike if your trike cannot be repaired on short notice.

We can be reached via chat, WhatsApp, phone or email

Questions? Contact us if you want to know more.
We are here Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00.

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