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What is the best funeral insurance?

Funeral insurance is very personal and depends on your personal wishes around your funeral. What is the best funeral insurance for you? To answer this question, you first need to know what types of funeral insurance policies there are. There are several types of funeral insurance and each has its advantages and disadvantages.

What should I look for when buying funeral insurance?

There are a number of insurers in the Netherlands where you can purchase funeral insurance. When you start comparing various funeral insurance policies, it can be difficult to see the forest for the trees. Below are a few points to consider in order to get the best funeral insurance for your situation.

What type of insurance

Beforehand, it is good to determine what form of funeral insurance you will choose. For example, there is in-kind or endowment insurance.

Natura insurance
In-kind insurance is service-based insurance. The funeral is arranged as stated in the policy. A number of standard services are insured, such as the purchase of the coffin and headstone, the work of the funeral director and the hearse. The advantage is that most of the work is taken out of the funeral director's hands. The disadvantage is that the bereaved are stuck with certain standard services and additional wishes are not reimbursed.

Capital Insurance
With capital insurance, a certain amount of money is released at the time of death. With this amount, the next of kin can pay for the services that need to be arranged for the funeral. Thus, with this type of funeral insurance, there is more flexibility compared to in-kind insurance. On the other hand, with capital insurance, everything has to be arranged by yourself. So one is not better than the other. It all depends on what suits you and your loved ones.

What is the best funeral insurance?

Getting funeral insurance easily

Several things are important when choosing funeral insurance. First, how easy you find the information on the website. Are the rates transparent and are the policy terms clear? What will happen after death? Does the insurer provide clarity about how it works?

Funeral home customer service

At the time of death, there is a lot of contact between the insurer and the next of kin. Good customer contact is therefore very important. How fast and knowledgeable is the insurer's customer service? These are all things that factor into the choice of funeral insurance.

Which funeral insurance policy is right for me?

What the best funeral insurance is for you depends very much on your own wishes. Do you want to relieve the next of kin so that they are not faced with all kinds of difficult choices during this period? Then the in-kind insurance is the best funeral insurance for you. Do you prefer a flexible insurance in which the next of kin can design the funeral themselves? Then the comprehensive insurance fits you best. It is also important to determine in advance whether you want a funeral or cremation. This is because the monthly premiums for a cremation are lower than for a burial. A cremation is generally cheaper than a burial.

Funeral insurance is not mandatory, although it is very wise. The moment you do not take out funeral insurance, the costs of your funeral will be recovered from your next of kin. You may not realize it, but a funeral can easily cost between € 7,000 and € 10,000. Naturally, you do not want to burden your next of kin with these costs. Read more here about the costs of a cremation if you are not insured.

Even at an older age, you can still purchase funeral insurance. The premiums will then logically be higher, than if you take out insurance at a younger age.

Also read:

What does a cremation cost if you are not insured?

What happens if I don't have funeral insurance?


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