What does all risk van insurance cover?
Do you want the most comprehensive van insurance? The all-risk is the best choice for your delivery van. In case of damage caused by you, your insurer will compensate the damage.
When does the all-risk van insurance pay out?
Compared to the WA and WA + limited hull, the all-risk van insurance offers a broad coverage. The most important addition to the other coverage is that the all-risk insurance also pays for your own damage in case of an accident. Even if an accident is your fault the insurer will pay for the damage to your van.
When to choose the all-risk van insurance?
For a new delivery van, choosing the all-risk cover is a logical choice. The age up to which you should maintain this cover depends on several factors. You should realise that with a more limited cover you will not receive any payment in the event of an accident. You may be able to recover the damage from the other party, but your own insurer will not pay out. Even until a car is ten years old, you can still insure your van all risk. You can find out by making a comparison. Sometimes you pay more for WA + limited hull insurance with one insurer than for the most comprehensive all-risk van insurance with another insurer. Comparison is therefore worthwhile.
What is the biggest plus of all risk van insurance?
Suppose you have an older van with a value of €5,000. You hesitate between the WA + limited casco and the all-risk van insurance. The difference in premium is €200 per year. You decide to go for the quick saving of €200 and choose WA + limited casco. Due to slippery conditions your van slides off the road and hits a parked car. The damage to the parked car is paid out. The damage to your car amounts to €1,500. By opting for WA + limited cover, you do not receive any compensation for the damage to your vehicle. If you had chosen the all-risk van insurance, the damage to your car would be paid for.
Why not have to save on quality?
Saving on van insurance should be done the right way. Go for the best coverage at the lowest premium. By comparing on Alpina.nl you can compare multiple insurers in one comparison. Opting for a cheaper form of insurance may hurt yourself in the event of a claim. The premium differences between insurers are large. You should take advantage of that. Even if your van is already insured, you can switch. After the insurance has run for one year, the van insurance can be cancelled daily.
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