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Home Van insurance... damage after working hours

What are the consequences if you damage a van after working hours?

You insure a delivery van as a business vehicle, but what if it is used by an employee outside of working hours? Does the van insurance cover you?

Insuring a delivery van is more expensive than insuring a privately used car. One of the reasons for this is that these cars often have several drivers. On average, employees will also be less careful with a boss' car. This has been taken into account when determining the premium.

damaged car after working hours

Who is responsible for damage to the van?

A company is generally the owner of the car and also responsible for the driver's actions. Damage caused by the van will also be the responsibility of the owner of the car. The owner is also obliged to insure the van. If the delivery van is only insured under third-party liability insurance, no claims can be made against the insurance company for damage to the owner's car. In the event of damage, the other party will be indemnified and the company itself will have to bear the costs.

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Damaged car after working hours

The van insurance also provides cover outside working hours. Suppose an employee uses the van privately in the evening hours without informing the employer. In the event of a claim, it does not matter whether the employer or the employee is responsible for the van insurance. The insurer settles the claim in the same way. For the settlement, it makes no difference whether it was during or outside working hours. Unless the employee has stolen the van, in which case the damage can be recovered by the insurer from the employee.

Recovering damages from the employee

Of course, the employer can hold the employee liable for the financial damage caused. Using the van without permission is culpable. In practice, this will not be easy and will involve high costs. The insurer of the van is only a party in such disputes in exceptional cases.

Are stolen possessions from the van insured?

The WA limited casco and WA all-risk policies provide cover for damage to the vehicle caused by burglary. The van insurance does not provide cover for tools and other possessions in the van that are not part of the vehicle. In the event of burglary compensation will be paid for the damage to the vehicle, but you will not be reimbursed for what was stolen from the vehicle. You can insure yourself against this with your own transport insurance. An alarm system is often mandatory for this insurance.

Read also:

How do you insure a car at the weekend?

Calculate your van's premium directly!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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