Frequently asked questions about van insurance
Is all the product information on the website complete or are there small print?
On the various pages of our website, we try to explain our products as clearly as possible. We also explain the ifs and buts of the products as much as possible. We have also listed the frequently asked questions for each product. With this, we try to provide as much information as possible about the products we offer.
We work together with several insurers, each of which has its own conditions for the various products. There can be considerable differences between them. We would like to emphasise that you should always consult the policy, including any clauses and conditions. These are always leading.
Below you will find the most frequently asked questions. Can't find your answer? Then contact us via Chat, WhatsApp or Messenger.
How does it work with the insurance of VAT and BPM?
Often company cars and private cars used for business purposes can be insured excluding VAT on a delivery van insurance. Company cars that are bought (new) after 1 July 2005 can in many cases also be insured exclusive of BPM. This results in a considerably lower premium because the insurance company assumes a lower value.
This means that the insurance company will also pay out exclusive VAT and/or BPM in the event of a claim.
When can I deduct VAT?
For example, you can deduct VAT on the (purchase of a) business car of your own company. When making a comparison, you will be asked whether you can deduct VAT. When you answer 'yes' to this question, the original catalogue value (and therefore the insured value) is automatically reduced by the VAT. You will then not have to pay any premium over the VAT amount. Naturally, any damage compensation will also be paid exclusive of VAT. As a private person, you cannot, in principle, offset VAT.
VAT is not charged on the insurance premium but insurance premium tax is. The insurance tax you have to pay cannot be deducted.
Click here for more information about VAT and BPM.
I use the van as a courier. Is this possible?
Yes, you can. On our delivery van insurance it is also possible to insure delivery vans that are used as courier services.
With van insurance, is it important which goods I transport?
In certain cases, it matters to van insurance what items you are transporting. Carrying flammable substances or theft sensitive goods can influence the premium. We therefore recommend that you indicate this when you take out van insurance. This way you can avoid problems in case of damage.
For which vehicles is the van insurance intended?
The van insurance is meant for commercial vehicles (grey registration) with an unladen weight up to 3500 kilograms.
Are the items I am transporting also insured?
Cover for damage to transported goods can be obtained quite easily and at a low premium by including transport cover on the delivery van insurance policy.
Based on 3699 reviews
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