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ZZP Insurances

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All about zzp insurance

ZZP insurance is very important as a self-employed person. You can work in virtually any sector. During your work, it is important that you can do what you do best without worries. By taking out ZZP insurance, you are insured on a daily basis against risks you may encounter as an entrepreneur. ZZP'ers are responsible for taking out insurance themselves, and we are happy to help you with this.

Why take out insurance as a self-employed person?

It is not compulsory for a self-employed person to take out insurance, but it is sensible. You have just started your own business or might start soon. This means that you have to arrange a lot of things, and taking out self-employed persons insurance is one of them. Taking out insurance is often postponed. Nevertheless, taking out a good insurance policy as a self-employed person is important. During your work, anything can happen which may result in unpleasant financial surprises. An accident is just around the corner. Moreover, your private insurance policies do not provide coverage for your activities as a self-employed person. It would be annoying if you only find out when it is too late. By taking out a ZZP insurance policy, you know for sure that you can start working without any worries.

Which ZZP insurances do I need as a self-employed person?

As a self-employed person, there are various risks to consider. Not only will you probably have to deal with many different stakeholders, such as suppliers and debtors, but accidents can also happen at any time. Especially as a self-employed person, it is good to be well insured, so that you are not faced with unpleasant financial surprises. Which insurance policies are best for you depends on your profession and personal situation. The standard ZZP insurance package includes liability insurance for companies. This insurance covers you for damages caused during your work. For example, if you, as a painter, drop a pot of paint at a customer's home. In addition, the professional indemnity insurance is also useful. With this you are insured for financial damage suffered by your client due to a professional error for which you are liable. For example, if you, as a communications consultant, give the wrong advice to a client, with dire consequences.

Compare self-employed persons insurance

Via our website you can easily compare ZZP insurances. After entering a few details, a number of insurance policies with the corresponding premiums and policy conditions will appear, tailored to your needs. You can compare these in an orderly fashion. If you have found a suitable insurance, you can take out the policy directly, easily and quickly. Are you having problems or do you have any questions? If so, you can always contact us by telephone on 0800 - 688 37 12.

ZZP insurance costs

The cost of your ZZP insurance depends on various factors. Think of the type of insurance and the amount insured. Calculating the costs of your ZZP insurance is quick and easy. You fill in your branche and profession, then you fill in a number of questions about your activities for each insurance. Then you choose the amount of the insured amount per claim. You select the insurances you want to take out and then you get an indication of the premium. You can choose whether you want to pay the insurance premium per month, quarter, six-month or year. When you choose the payment term 'per year', you often get a discount on the premium.

ZZP insurance mandatory

It is not compulsory for a self-employed person to take out insurance, but it is sensible to do so. Clients or other parties involved may make certain insurances compulsory in order to prevent too great a risk from arising. If you, as a self-employed person, cannot meet the costs incurred in case of a wrongful act, it is a problem for both parties. The insurances you take out as a self-employed person are a personal choice, and it is important that you make these well-considered choices. Of course, you want anything but to be stuck with a claim that jeopardises the future of your company.

Indispensable insurances for self-employed people

As a ZZP'er you are an entrepreneur and you take into account numerous insurances, but which insurances do you actually need? In many cases, the following ZZP insurances are applicable:

  • Liability insurance for self-employed persons
    • Corporate Liability insurance for freelancers
    • Professional indemnity insurance for freelancers
  • Legal expenses insurance for business
  • Inventory and goods insurance
  • Disability insurance
  • Verzuim insurance
  • Commercial vehicle insurance
  • Commercial property insurance

These are fairly standard insurances that are advised to companies with their own company car(fleet), premises and related inventory. As an insurance advisor, we have listed a number of indispensable insurances for the self-employed. Your liability insurance as a self-employed person is the primary insurance that is advised. This is divided into two types of liability insurance.

ZZP insurance legal expenses insurance

Legal expenses insurance is insurance that, under certain conditions, ensures that you receive legal assistance if you become involved in a legal conflict. Legal expenses insurance thus covers unexpected legal costs and legal advice. A conflict due to a traffic accident is common. For example, as a ZZP'er it can happen that you are hit by a car on your bike and therefore cannot work for a longer period of time. A conflict may then arise about who is the guilty party. With legal assistance insurance you will get legal help in defending your innocence and holding the other party liable. Your insurer will also help recover damages from the other party. It may also happen that a major client refuses to pay you. At such times, you need immediate legal help.

Business liability insurance ZZP

For a self-employed person, a business liability insurance is indispensable. This insurance is also sometimes referred to as business liability insurance. The insurance covers the damage that you or one of your employees cause to others. This applies to both damage to persons and damage to goods or property. Please note: an accident can happen at any time. Think for example of an industrial accident, errors in the execution of work or a faulty product that you sell. The possible financial consequences of these damages are covered with a business liability insurance. Use the button below to compare business liability insurance for freelancers and take out an insurance policy online.

What is insured?

  • Damage caused to persons or property by you or your employees. This can be damage inflicted on third parties, but also damage inflicted by employees on each other.
  • Damage caused by a sudden release of environmentally hazardous substances

What is not insured?

  • Gradual environmental damage
  • Damage not caused to persons or property
  • Damage to goods under the company's control (e.g. use, transport, storage, loan, hire, processing)
  • Damage by motor vehicles or aircraft

Professional liability insurance ZZP

Unlike business liability insurance, it does not cover damage to physical property but professional misconduct. When you are in an advisory profession, the wrong advice or decision can have far-reaching consequences. These costly mistakes can cost millions of euros and you, as a self-employed person, can be held liable for this. With the professional indemnity insurance you can cover these kinds of risks. Do you work as a lawyer, accountant or do you have another consulting profession as a ZZP? Use the button below to compare professional indemnity insurance for freelancers and take out an insurance policy directly online.

What is insured?

  • Damage caused by incorrect advice, negligence, omission, etc.
  • Costs of legal challenges, e.g. defence costs, disciplinary costs, civil procedure costs etc.

The above insurances apply to liability as a ZZP'er. Not only liability involves risks. The insurances below can also apply to you as a ZZP'er.

Legal expenses insurance for freelancers

As a ZZP'er it can happen that you get involved in a legal conflict. In that case, professional support is desirable. In many cases it happens that the client does not pay, which leads to you having to seek legal assistance (debt collection). It can also happen that the client is dissatisfied with the work or advice provided. In addition, a supplier may not fulfill its agreements. In case of possible lawyer fees, litigation costs or bailiff fees, a business legal expenses insurance covers the costs. Note that private legal expenses insurance does not provide any coverage. Use the button below to directly compare legal expenses insurance for ZZP'ers and close online immediately.

Inventory and goods insurance for self-employed people

As a self-employed person, you have to deal with tools, computers, inventory and purchased goods. By definition, these are not covered by private insurance. For this, an inventory and goods insurance applies. With this, all your inventory and supplies are insured against, for instance, fire, storm or water.

Please note: portable tools or equipment are in many cases not insured outside your business premises. If your tablet or laptop suffers damage at a customer's premises, it is not covered under inventory and goods insurance.

Absenteeism Insurance ZZP

Absenteeism insurance is insurance that provides coverage for continued payment of wages of sick employees. Because you do not have to deal with this as a ZZP, absenteeism insurance does not apply, but disability insurance is appropriate.

Liability insurance for self-employed persons

With liability insurance ZZP, you as a ZZP'er are covered against damage you (or your company) cause to others. Regardless of your situation, you have a choice between business liability insurance and professional liability insurance. The main difference is that a business liability insurance covers property and personal injury (to persons and things) caused by yourself as a self-employed person or by your employees. An example is a cup of coffee over a laptop or a tripping customer due to your actions. Professional liability insurance covers property damage caused by your actions as a ZZP'er. An example of this is substantial financial loss due to faulty advice. Both are damages that you, as a ZZP'er, would rather not bear. The advantage is that both liability insurance policies for ZZP'ers are not very expensive.

The cost of liability insurance for ZZP is relatively low compared to the risks you face as a ZZP. Alpina.nl compares all liability insurance policies for ZZP, so you will always get the right insurance for your situation.

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