Which insurances do I need as a self-employed person?
Have you just started as a self-employed person or do you have plans to start? Then there are a lot of things you need to take care of, such as your insurances. There are quite a lot of business insurances, making it sometimes difficult to determine which ZZP insurances you really need. You don't need to insure all risks; some you may be able to take care of yourself. Which risks are best to insure depends on your business and the industry in which you operate. At Alpina.nl we have compiled a list of insurances you may need as a ZZP'er.
Liability insurance for companies (AVB)
With a Public Liability Insurance for Business, you are insured for liability damages to a customer. This concerns damage to others or belongings caused by you or your products. For example, if you are a painter and accidentally drop a pot of paint on your customer's laminate floor. Or if a product that you have delivered causes damage. The coverage of an AVB is comparable to a Public Liability Insurance for Individuals (AVP), but then for your company.
Professional indemnity insurance
A professional indemnity insurance is often confused with an AVB. With a Professional Indemnity Insurance you insure yourself in case of a professional error for which you are liable. This insurance is particularly useful for ZZP'ers who give advice, such as architects, accountants, engineers, consultants or ICT specialists. This insurance covers capital losses of entrepreneurs.
Business legal expenses insurance
Business legal expenses insurance is a useful addition for every entrepreneur. After all, there are many ways in which you can become involved in a legal conflict. For example, if a supplier fails to deliver materials on time or if a conflict arises over a permit. With a business legal assistance insurance you are insured for legal help and advice in case of a conflict that arises due to the performance of activities in your profession. You will also be reimbursed for the costs of this legal assistance. This includes litigation costs and costs of independent experts.
CAR insurance
CAR insurance is particularly useful for contractors, principals, architects and structural engineers, among others. CAR stands for Construction All Risk. CAR insurance covers material damage that occurs during the construction or renovation of buildings, roads, bridges and installations. For example, if a wall installed during construction suddenly collapses. The damage can be caused by an error in design, execution or construction. But also damage by fire, storm or theft is insured. A standard building insurance or company liability insurance does not cover damage during construction or renovation work.
Inventory insurance
As an entrepreneur, you probably have a lot of inventory. This includes, for example, desks, computers, office supplies, but also special machines and stock. This inventory is essential to your business, so it is logical that you do not want anything to happen to it. To protect your business, you can take out inventory insurance. With inventory insurance, your inventory is insured against damage as a result of fire, storm or burglary, among other things.
Take out ZZP insurance directly through Alpina!
At Alpina.nl we have a wide range of ZZP insurance. You can also purchase the ZZP insurance package from us. As standard, this consists of the Liability Insurance for Companies and the Professional Liability Insurance. In addition, you can compile the package entirely yourself. Need advice? Our insurance specialists are happy to help. You can reach them by phone from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 088 - 6883700. Of course, you can also always send us a message via chat, WhatsAppp or Messenger.
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