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What does liability insurance for ZZP cost?

As a ZZp'er it is wise to take out liability insurance for ZZP. As a ZZP'er you will more than once find yourself in situations that can cause damage to third parties. Taking out liability insurance for ZZP is a good way to cover yourself for unexpected situations. Liability insurance for ZZP'ers covers the financial consequences of your faulty actions. Damage to persons and property and the damage that results. As a ZZPp'er you naturally want the lowest possible premium. In this article, we take a closer look at what liability insurance ZZP costs.

Average cost of ZZP liability insurance

As a ZZP'er you naturally want to save money and you can do that by comparing well. As a ZZP business owner, you already have enough expenses to deal with around your business. A ZZP business liability policy is different from a regular business liability insurance policy, given that it is specifically aimed at ZZPs. These generally need coverage (although this depends on the industry), than a large company with more employees and clients. The cost of liability insurance for ZZP'ers is tax deductible. As a result, you are insured for liability for a relatively low amount.

What liability insurance for ZZP costs depends on a number of factors. Some factors are:

  • The industry in which you work
  • The amount of the deductible
  • Insured amount per occurrence

Take out liability insurance? Compare premiums!

cost liability insurance zzp

What is the cheapest ZZP liability insurance?

As a ZZP' er, you naturally want the lowest cost for your liability insurance. The cheapest liability insurance is the one with the lowest premium. However, a lower premium often also means inferior coverage. Do not be blinded by a few euros lower premium per month. Be well informed about the coverage and conditions of your liability insurance ZZP. The right coverage for your business can save you a lot of headaches later on. By comparing well on both price and conditions, you will find the best insurance that suits your situation.

Alpina.nl comparison tool

Through our website you can easily calculate premiums. After entering a few details, a number of insurance policies will appear, tailored to your needs, with the corresponding premiums and policy conditions. You can compare these. If you have found a suitable insurance, you can take it out immediately. Are you having problems or do you have any questions? Then you can of course always contact us by telephone on 088 - 688 37 12.

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