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Home ZZP insurances Accident insurance

Accident insurance for a zzper

An accident in the workplace is in a small corner. A zzp accident insurance covers damages that occur during an accident.

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"Comparing insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your insurance every year."

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More than 5 years of insurance experience

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All about accident insurance for a self-employed person

Protect yourself, your family or staff with accident insurance for a self-employed worker.

An accident in the workplace is in a small corner. Accident insurance covers damages that occur during an accident. This could include: injury, disability or death. There are several insurances suitable for self-employed workers. This does not make the choice any easier.

We are happy to help and list the different choices for you.

What accident insurance policies for self-employed workers are there?

Are you a self-employed person? Then you have a choice of three different insurance policies that protect you from accidental damage. The different insurances are:

  • Disability insurance for self-employed entrepreneurs.
  • Personal accident insurance for your private situation.
  • Occupational accident insurance for your staff.

Which accident insurance for self-employed workers best suits your situation? Of course, that depends in part on what you want to insure. The specialists at Alpina.nl will be happy to explain the differences between the insurances.

Personal accident insurance for your private situation

If you insure yourself with personal accident insurance, you are assured of an amount of money after an accident. For example, you will receive a certain amount if you become permanently disabled and your dependents will receive an amount if you die due to an accident. Did you know that you can insure accidents indoors, but also outdoors. For example, in the schoolyard, while playing sports or in traffic. Of course it is also possible to insure the whole family. Here it is entirely optional who you insure and for what amount you insure. With personal accident insurance you have no excess.

When does personal accident insurance pay out for your personal situation?

The insurance pays a fixed amount or percentage in the event of permanent disability to your head, organs, arms and legs. It does not matter whether the accident occurred inside or outside your home.

Occupational accident insurance for your staff

Some people mistake the abbreviation zzp for self-employed entrepreneur. Are you an independent entrepreneur with personnel? Then you are responsible for your staff. Industrial accident insurance covers accidents during or on the way to work that result in disability or death.

As an employer, you choose the amount your employee receives:

  • You base the amount on the salary;
  • Or you can choose a fixed amount.

It is good to know that industrial accident insurance covers employees, temporary workers and trainees. It does not matter who causes the accident.

When does industrial accident insurance pay out for your staff?

An employee who has become disabled is paid 12.5 to 100% of average gross salary. This percentage depends on how many hours your employee can still work.

Accident insurance ZZP person with walking support

Disability insurance for self-employed workers

As a self-employed entrepreneur, you usually do not receive benefits from the UWV with disability insurance. This is because you are responsible for a financial safety net yourself. Disability insurance is therefore an important insurance to consider. If you get sick or have an accident, you will receive a monthly amount through your disability insurance and you will not run out of money.

When does disability insurance for self-employed workers pay out?

Are you disabled by an illness, pregnancy or accident. Then the insurance pays 100% of your gross annual income in the first year and 80% in subsequent years.

Danielle claims handler Alpina Roerdalen

The insurance specialists at Alpina.nl are happy to help you

Do you find it difficult to determine which insurance policy best suits your situation? No problem! Just contact us. We will be happy to help you!

We can be reached Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at telephone number 088-6883712.

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